Data analytics for performance and quality measures

Data analytics for performance and quality measures

The Q Team

Meet Our Team

In 2009, Pam Seymour, our QPI pioneer and fearless leader, saw the writing on the wall. Healthcare was changing in a way and at a pace that most providers and pharmacies weren’t equipped to handle. Fast forward to 2021, things haven’t slowed down. Accreditation and healthcare compliance are ever changing and, now more than ever, providers are required to closely monitor compliance protocols and accreditation timelines. 

At QPI, we handle this for you. Forget hiring a full-time staff to keep up with these regulations. Our solution staff produces progressive compliance for all varieties of healthcare providers. Our QPI team is comprised of many different professional backgrounds. Our CEO, Pam Seymour, lends a wealth of knowledge as a Healthcare Provider. Our COO, Jackye Magee, adds hospital level Education experience. Our CRQO offers nursing informatics and analytics from hospitals and clinic groups. And our Program Managers provide comfort in working closely with all healthcare providers, day in and day out.

Throughout the years, QPI Healthcare Services™ has become a proven leader in the healthcare industry simply by learning how to be flexible and attentive to the needs of our clients.


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